Originally Posted by Terminator2020
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
The most realistic guess is level 12 in my honest opinion ...
I mean we were told that original max level has ben 10 ... later Swen told us it would be some more and they dont yet know how much more ... so "at least 11" would be logical to presume ...
Yes level 12 as max level is very good smile. Perhaps level 13... or 11 level as max level.

Now could they later increase max level? Of course maybe after full release there will be an expansion at some point, but as for now I only wait for full release.

If you remove the level cap via a mod, the content in patch 6 ( not the full act one ) takes you to about level 8-9, if I remember correctly. although that involves seeking XP rather than following the story flow. So, I expect you could get to level 12 quite early if you try, but I don't know what this implies about Larian's plans.

Expansions, DLC stories or a NG+ mode would all be ways to satisfy the "mo levels" urge, I suppose. In my opinion, if the story is good, the level doesn't really matter. It can be fun to mess around with wild options once you have played a game often enough, but that is usually possible with mods anyway.