This is certainly an option for restricting long rests, but it has similar problems as other suggestions. How does Larian determine how much game-time has passed? Does 1 real-time second equal 1 in-game minute? Do they base it on events/locations reached/dialogue, where each event passes time by X amount? The latter has similar problems as the camp locations and/or exhaustion mechanic.
Your questions are indicating that you didn't read that thread, the one I linked.
What happens if you're out of resources but only 16 hours of in-game time have passed? Do you just have to afk until enough time has passed? Or can you speed up time to instantly wait 8 more hours and then rest? If the latter, how is this different from the current system of unlimited long rests? And in either case, are there any consequences for doing so?
If 16 hours passed it means that you already can rest, you don't need to wait 24 hours BETWEEN the long rests. It's just 1 long rest per 24 hours. And the consequences are pretty obvious in how it's phrased in the book: you may rest right after the previous rest, but if it's not a new day you do not benefit from it (no healing, no spellslots).
In that same thread I already wrote all those options like deleting that clock and make the player push the time through actions (ideal in my eyes). But I also think we should be open to compromises here and maybe give Larian more ideas to think about.