Joined: Feb 2021
OH!!! Grymforge does NOT like Party of 6. I had Party of 6. Went to the boat. Got to Grymforge. Lae'zel and Wyll were suddenly ghosts. They had no HP, could not move, were grouped together and still at the docks in Decrepit Village. They did not go with the rest of the party to Grymforge. I tried several times. Same result. I tried Fast Travel back to the beach. They were there but not there. I tried to select them, and it let me, but they did not appear on the screen at all. I tried to fast travel as them, and they'd go to the location I had them fast travel to, even to camp, but they were invisible and still no HP and they couldn't move or anything. I tried linking them to the rest of the party while in the same exact spot as them. They stayed in that spot no matter where I went.
The only fix: Before you go onto the boat, pick two characters and ungroup them. Leave them on the beach and only take a party of 4 to Grymforge. Don't ask them to leave the party. Just ungroup them and leave them at Decrepit Village BEFORE you access the boat. Then, when you get to Grymforge with your party of 4, make sure you access the Waypoint (I think it's automatic anyway). Then fast travel back to the beach, regroup them, and fast travel back to Grymforge as one whole party. As long as you ungrouped 2 characters before going to Grymforge, you can regroup them after you go through the cutscenes and you should be fine from there.
Joined: Feb 2021
Ugh! Grymforge REALLY doesn't like party of 6 mod. Game keeps crashing when I save or when trying to load saves. I am now saving like 3 times when I do save and praying they don't crash the game each time. Then when I load a save, I pray 1 of the 3 will actually load.
But, regardless, battles are still fine. I also like that my characters are still chatting and such. So still a better experience IF they made it legit.
Joined: Oct 2020
Thats odd ... I had no problem with grymforge except the ship one ... but i was warned about that one in coment section on Nexus.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Larian wants 4 characters per party.
Players want 6.
5 is a normal compromise?
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Feb 2021
Please make party of 6 legit. My computer still keeps crashing because of the mod.
Joined: Feb 2021
Almost died... All six party members. Defeated Nere after siding with Brithvar. Then, failed to persuade and fought Brithvar and clan. Most characters close to death with Gale dead.
Joined: Jul 2014
Welp, tried again the unofficial fix to expand the party to six with the new patch (7), I found the NEW placement for the string to edit, but now the game crashes 100% of the times for me when the tweak is applied. Guess there's no way around playing with 4 characters now.
Joined: Feb 2021
Hmm, I made a full custom party through LAN. On the Nautiloid my party consisted of my 4 characters, Lae'zel and Us. Which is effectively 6 members. When it came time to recruit Shadowheart she said I'm full up.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hmm, I made a full custom party through LAN. On the Nautiloid my party consisted of my 4 characters, Lae'zel and Us. Which is effectively 6 members. When it came time to recruit Shadowheart she said I'm full up. Yup ... that is how it has behaved in the past aswell ... Would be great tho, if you could kill Us to make room for her. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Support for 6 party members already exists within the UI...why not just make it official? To prove this, all you have to do is use the multiplayer party creation to put together your own 4 players, then let Laezel and the intellect devourer join your party in the intro section. They both join the party without any issues. No "you're full up, find me when you ditch one of those losers" responses. Nothing breaks, and the system doesn't crash. For some inexplicable reason this seems to be the only portion of the game where this can happen, and it only works until you complete the helm mission. Once you're on the beach, Shadowheart refuses to join the party because reasons.  Why not just increase the party size? Also, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I really don't care about the story of the exploding wizard, grumpy cleric, grumpier warrior, vampire thief, or one-eyed warlock dude anymore. I would love it if you could make it possible to create 100% custom parties natively. I get that you all are putting a significant amount of time and effort into creating the pre-gen party characters you WANT us to use, but I honestly would prefer to be able to make my own characters without dealing with all the baggage you're packing into those pre-gens. I understand that that you're trying to make an interesting story, and I have played through that story about 25 times now. I would just like to have the option to play the game the way I want without having to do some ridiculous workaround to do it. I'd like to be able to play several classes / races that I don't normally play, and I don't want to have to create a new game for each one and play through all the same content over and over and over... BG3 is an awesome game, and some of those side stories sound like they'll be very interesting once they're fleshed out, but please let me decide whether and when to engage with them.
Ragnar Hammerhand Slayer of Goblins Lifter of Weights Eater of Cookies
Joined: Feb 2020
+1 for both. Let us play with 6 party member in solo even if the game is balanced for 4 (I'll just play in higher difficulty) and let us create all our team mates please 
Last edited by Maximuuus; 16/02/22 09:59 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Joined: May 2019
+1000 to the OPs' first point.
To the second point, I won't ever use created mercenary companions myself, but I am all for everyone being happy, and so I gladly support it for those who like creating their whole party.
Joined: Jul 2021
I don't know anyone that likes pre-made characters. But this is the kind of bloat you have to pay for when you play Larian games...
Joined: Dec 2021
Increasing the default party size is not such a simple matter. I've done one playthrough with a party of 6 on Patch 6, and with this many characters you can steamroll almost every encounter using basic attacks and little else. For a proper party of 6, the entire game would have to be rebalanced, most if not all encounters remade.
Don't get me wrong, I'd like a bigger party as well, if only to see more story, but it's not as simple as "just making it official".
Joined: Jul 2014
Increasing the default party size is not such a simple matter. I've done one playthrough with a party of 6 on Patch 6, and with this many characters you can steamroll almost every encounter using basic attacks and little else. For a proper party of 6, the entire game would have to be rebalanced, most if not all encounters remade.
Don't get me wrong, I'd like a bigger party as well, if only to see more story, but it's not as simple as "just making it official". Well, aside from the fact that they COULD rebalance it (after all nothing so far is final, plus they ALREADY plan to have multiple difficulty settings) there's also the option to let this be a problem of the players. If they want to play with six characters(and I want it, too) just let them do it. But we already talked ALL these arguments and a lot more for hundreds of pages at this point in time, as the gargantuan mega-thread on this specific topic can attest. The option to use mercenary rather than companions is an already-confirmed upcoming feature, though, so that shouldn't be a worry for anyone.
Joined: Sep 2020
Increasing the default party size is not such a simple matter. I've done one playthrough with a party of 6 on Patch 6, and with this many characters you can steamroll almost every encounter using basic attacks and little else. For a proper party of 6, the entire game would have to be rebalanced, most if not all encounters remade.
Don't get me wrong, I'd like a bigger party as well, if only to see more story, but it's not as simple as "just making it official". Increasing the default party size would take (some) additional work, but allowing an optional increased party size requires negligible work. All Larian would need to do is include a checkbox in settings "Allow parties of 6" with a warning when you click it "Warning: The game is balanced with a party of 4 in mind. Having a 6-person party might not result in the intended experience." As Tuco says, BG3 will be released with different difficulty options, so those who want a challenge but also to play with a 6-person party could up the difficulty.
Joined: May 2019
Increasing the default party size is not such a simple matter. I've done one playthrough with a party of 6 on Patch 6, and with this many characters you can steamroll almost every encounter using basic attacks and little else. For a proper party of 6, the entire game would have to be rebalanced, most if not all encounters remade.
Don't get me wrong, I'd like a bigger party as well, if only to see more story, but it's not as simple as "just making it official". The main point is that it would be an option. Nothing needs to be rebalanced or remade. Furthermore, to what you say here specifically, for me the combat in this game is my least liked aspect of the game, something I view as parts of the game that one has to tolerate to get all the other parts of the game. So with a bigger party the combat becoming negatively affected is irrelevant to me in the face of all the positive gains of a bigger party in all the other parts of the game: a greater range of race and class combos to play with, more story, more content, more quests, more within-party banter, more party-world interractions, more usage of the equipment and items I find/win, more of everything!! What's not to love there?
Joined: Jul 2014
I am fine with 4. My favourite rpg of all time DAO (heavily modded) is 4. So is Mass Effect, I guess I just got used to it. As much as I play Neverwinter 1&2 and BGT (Baldur's Gate Trilogy Mod) once per year or so, when I started playing BG3, it didn't feel strange that we were limited at all. I am not familiar with the D&D rule set after 3.5, my main concern is with the number of memorized spells, it feels a little low, but then again, we are only level 4, which is a bit annoying since there is enough XP in this early access to get into level 6 or even 7. I am not sure who they are going to scale everything. Still I am gratified that modding is a thing for this game. We might even be able to tailor party size to whatever we want.