Originally Posted by lofgren
I think shove is an awesome mechanic, but is used too freely. Making it a standard action solves that issue easily. Instead of seeing shove at least twice a round, I see it a couple times a combat now. I think most importantly, archers can't shove you away and then run off and get their standard attack. That's been the most unbalanced effects of shove I've noticed.

I do find most of this criticism to be ridiculous hyperbole. Yeah, it sucks to get shoved, but, you know, don't put yourself in that position? Like, stay away from precarious, narrow ledges in a fight? This isn't rocket science, and since you can move and then attack and then move again it shouldn't be that difficult to end your turn with your back to a wall. I don't find that shoving ends most of my fights. Certainly not shoving by the enemies! Occasionally it will be useful to shove a couple of enemies, but the only way shoving is your primary tactic is if you are using other tactics to set up situations where you can shove people. That's a perfectly reasonable approach to combat! You could just as easily use that energy to set up situations where you could snipe your enemies or fireball them. You're SUPPOSED to do that!

Edit: Not sure how this forum works, but this wasn't meant to be a reply to a specific person, this was meant as a reply to the general thread. I just clicked the wrong button.

Again, it's not about positioning when they can push you so far. I had Lae'zel practically in the middle of the platform. Mind Master whatever came running up and shoves her into lava - from the middle of the platform.

It's not exaggerating. Just because it hasn't happened to you as much, doesn't mean I'm exaggerating. It happens frequently enough that I'm fighting for the change.