Ah. At last, I got the video to work.


Here is a video of Solasta combat gameplay. This is what Baldur's Gate 3 COULD play like if they used more RAW D&D 5e combat. Now, let me make this very clear. I'm not saying I want BG3 to play EXACTLY like this, nor do I think the UI is exactly how I would like BG3's UI, BUT what I'm saying is that BG3 could be WAY more balanced with plenty of combat options still being brought to the table IF they implemented more of the 5e rules.

Also note how easy the UI is to read, and note how easy it is to find everything. Notice also how quick it is to find options in the UI and to select them and focus more on the game and not on trying to find all the various skills and abilities. Notice how Reactions work and how special abilities like Smite work. Quick. Simple. Straightforward. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. That's what Tactical Adventures did, and it works well.

Now, that said, they REALLY could have improved their controls simply by providing hotkeys. Spacebar to end turn instead of having to click on the End Turn button, a hotkey for stealth, a hotkey for spells, being able to hit escape to close a menu instead of clicking on Abort... All those things are annoying in Solasta. They really would have benefited from providing hotkeys and allowing players to customize their hotkeys. Also, the UI in Solasta is also a bit too big, and their mini-map is virtually useless. It's just more of a radar than a map. You have to pull up the mini-map via the M hotkey (so there are a few hotkeys). There isn't a convenient mini-map for you right on the screen.

But notice how all the Actions are on the left. All the Bonus on the Right. When I hover over enemies, it automatically switches to Attack icon. If I want to attack with offhand first, I simply go to the Bonus Action Attack and click it first. Then I select my enemy. And notice how after my first attack is done, if I hover over the enemy it is auto-switching to the Attack icon. So, if I want to attack 2 times in a row, I don't need to press the Attack button. I can just hover over my enemy, Attack, hover over enemy again, Attack. Simple. Easy. Not a lot of back and forth.

And see how simple the switch weapons icon is? And notice how if you switch to one you can't switch back. Oh my goodness! You mean, it doesn't make sense to be able to pull out a bow, nock an arrow to it, fire, put the bow away, and pull out your sword and shield again just so you can benefit from the shield's extra AC? Yes! It makes no sense. If you switch your weapons, you can't switch back in a single round. (Now, that said, I think Solasta is a bit TOO strict on this. If I switch to melee to see if it would be better to use my melee weapon, I'd like to be able to switch back to ranged again if ranged is a better option. As long as I haven't actually attacked, I'd like to be able to see my options. Solasta locks you into the weapons you switch to whether it's good or not. That sucks! Don't want that.) And notice how straight the arrows fly. No weird arcs and jazz. Clean. Crisp combat. Ahhhh!

Anyway, there are so many things I could point out, but watch the video and imagine how BG3 would be if they simply used more strict 5e rules like Solasta.

Last edited by GM4Him; 23/02/22 09:51 AM.