Joined: Jan 2022
I like the cut of her jib. I was sad when I first learned she was moving on instead of having a longer quest line. I want her crossbow, though
Joined: Apr 2020
Whatever happens to this data mined version? ![[Linked Image from lh3.googleusercontent.com]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aIUeEsrtqWQ/YSW8totwJII/AAAAAAAABn8/NP-n12g0LDsFe0xn7en8OLHJ7-oOZhcfgCLcBGAsYHQ/image.png) They would need to change her voice actress. Doesn't match this version.
Joined: Jan 2021
looked at Chubbalot's twitter. I guess she's using the datamined body, and the horns, but not the head? Very weird, considering she still has the extensively scarred body, and has the broken horn, but an otherwise pristine face. Hope they update her face in a later patch so she has those badass head scars.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well it was still work in progress ... wasnt it?  I like the new model, the only thing that seems off are her eyes. :-/ She should have burning eyes, like Zevlor do!
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Sep 2016
I for one really like the new look of Karlach.
Joined: Nov 2020
Well it was still work in progress ... wasnt it?  And I don't like the current version. I'd rather they'd changed the voice actress to fit the datamined model. Lae'zel has the "young brash hothead fighter" character covered, now Karlach looks like she's fresh out of the creche too.
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Joined: Feb 2022
I do like the new hairdo, but agree with folk who think she looks too pristine, human and not tough enough. Toning down the makeup and adding demonic eyes and some facial scars would help for me. I reckon that datamined model would look great with the new hair too (though even that pic looks like she’s wearing lipstick). And I also agree her voice doesn’t seem quite right for her character.
As has been said above, hopefully and presumably we’ll see more iterations if she really is going to be more of a major player in future.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Jan 2020
The new UI is good, albeit with some problems still.
The graphical tone continues to darken and improve, except for the overblown animations.
More of the cutscenes and conversations seem to actually work properly, though there's still a long way to go.
And I like the new Karlach model - but considering I am playing a female halfling bear barbarian, I may have a different attitude to what is badass 😁
Sounds like we'll have plenty more time for continuing improvements as well 😋
Joined: Mar 2020
Rushed to Karlach to see he new model. She definitely doesn't fit her background story as much as what was datamined before. She is cute in a very bland way - then again, considering companions seem to be aimed at horny teenagers I would say she fits right in.
I wouldn't loose sleep over any of it though. She still looks very much like a work in progress - at the very least lacking almost any facial expression.
Joined: Oct 2020
Whatever happens to this data mined version? ![[Linked Image from lh3.googleusercontent.com]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aIUeEsrtqWQ/YSW8totwJII/AAAAAAAABn8/NP-n12g0LDsFe0xn7en8OLHJ7-oOZhcfgCLcBGAsYHQ/image.png) They would need to change her voice actress. Doesn't match this version. Or maybe Karlach was using a Disguise spell that changed her voice as well? So maybe later when player meet this bald figure with a rather masculine voice in BG city, she suddenly introduce herself: "hey Tav, miss me? this is Karlach, surprise!"
Joined: Jul 2014
I think the baldness here is just a byproduct of the model being datamined incomplete and not a specific design choice, for the record.
Last edited by Tuco; 24/02/22 03:30 AM.
Joined: Dec 2020
Whatever happens to this data mined version? ![[Linked Image from lh3.googleusercontent.com]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aIUeEsrtqWQ/YSW8totwJII/AAAAAAAABn8/NP-n12g0LDsFe0xn7en8OLHJ7-oOZhcfgCLcBGAsYHQ/image.png) wow she looks like a total badass. Where the hell is THAT companion? She looks honorable and just the right amount of "I don't give a shit" that would just piss Lae and SH off so much. Would be wonderful.
Last edited by Boblawblah; 24/02/22 03:43 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Rushed to Karlach to see he new model. She definitely doesn't fit her background story as much as what was datamined before. She is cute in a very bland way . Yeah, i think "cute in a very bland way" is a perfect way to summarize the issue. I've seen people complaining she's "too pretty" now but I don't think prettiness is the real issue. The problem is that she's bland. Her face lacks any hint of personality and it's not particularly expressive and life-like in general. Even from a technical standpoint (amount of detail, moving facial muscles, etc) she seems like a step back not just from the previous datamined version but also from the previous generic NPC placeholder. Quite frankly the bluntest way I can put it is that it looks almost as if a less talented artist/modeler worked on her face this time around. EDIT - Now compare and contrast with this: ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/w4AVhSD.png) (minus the lack of hair and the bullshit custom glowing eyes added by the modder here)
Last edited by Tuco; 24/02/22 03:47 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Rushed to Karlach to see he new model. She definitely doesn't fit her background story as much as what was datamined before. She is cute in a very bland way . Yeah, i think "cute in a very bland way" is a perfect way to summarize the issue. I've seen people complaining she's "too pretty" now but I don't think prettiness is the real issue. The problem is that she's bland. Her face lacks any hint of personality and it's not particularly expressive and life-like in general. Even from a technical standpoint (amount of detail, moving facial muscles, etc) she seems like a step back not just from the previous datamined version but also from the previous generic NPC placeholder. Quite frankly the bluntest way I can put it is that it looks almost as if a less talented artist/modeler worked on her face this time around. EDIT - Now compare and contrast with this: ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/w4AVhSD.png) (minus the lack of hair and the bullshit custom glowing eyes added by the modder here) And add 1 horn with the other broken maybe halfway, not fully. YES! That is more of what I picture when I hear her story. Demon slaying tough bad butt tiefling paladin. She doesn't even need hair. Hair can get caught and can be grabbed. Better without it. What? She needs hair to be tough? Does every female have to be hot and sexy? Can't she just be muscular and scary even? And who's to say that's not sexy to some? Why paladin? She wears heavier armor so far and is awesome with a crossbow. So not a mage or rogue or warlock, most likely. Not likely a Bard since she's a Demon Slayer. What class would make a good demon slayer? Paladin. And she's got a serious vengeance quest against the cult of Zariel. And, fan theory, Oath of Vengeance Avenging Angel can sprout wings. With them, she could fly onto the Nautiloid to try to escape Zariel. Face hugger eye booger tadpole crawls up on her unawares as she's trying to hide from mind Flayers and devils both in the ship. Floop! Right in the ear. "Who are you?". All her paladin powers reset to level 1, just like everyone else. To add to this, you encounter her later, at least level 3 or 4, so why not give her SOME better starting equipment. Plate armor and greatsword or maul or that axe looks cool with heavy crossbow+1 and traps and maybe some alchemist fire and such. And make the armor battered and such to begin with so it fits the story of her fighting off a bunch of things just before you meet her.
Last edited by GM4Him; 24/02/22 04:17 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I honestly imagined Karlach as Oathbreaker paladin ... I thought it would be cool or hot as hells, if she would be using hellfire against our oponents.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Eh. Oath breaker didn't seem to fit as well as Vengeance. Wings, for one thing, explain her flying up to the nautiloid, but she REALLY emphasizes her desire to make those bleepers pay. That's what really made me think Vengeance.
Joined: Sep 2020
Eh. Oath breaker didn't seem to fit as well as Vengeance. Wings, for one thing, explain her flying up to the nautiloid, but she REALLY emphasizes her desire to make those bleepers pay. That's what really made me think Vengeance. Lady Aribeth. Technically Oathbreaker (Blackguard in D&D edition of her times), practically also Vengence, because she broke her oath to get revenge for her lover's death. In other words from story point of view this 2 architypes can be mixed and confused pretty easily.
Joined: Oct 2020
Eh. Oath breaker didn't seem to fit as well as Vengeance. Wings, for one thing, explain her flying up to the nautiloid, but she REALLY emphasizes her desire to make those bleepers pay. That's what really made me think Vengeance. Oh no you missunderstand me ... Im talking about what she is NOW ... not in the Avernus.  She could be some twisted kind of Vengeance Paladin under Zariels comand ... But now, when she run off? That sounds to me like perfect example of breaking oath. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Eh. Oath breaker didn't seem to fit as well as Vengeance. Wings, for one thing, explain her flying up to the nautiloid, but she REALLY emphasizes her desire to make those bleepers pay. That's what really made me think Vengeance. Oh no you missunderstand me ... Im talking about what she is NOW ... not in the Avernus.  She could be some twisted kind of Vengeance Paladin under Zariels comand ... But now, when she run off? That sounds to me like perfect example of breaking oath.  Ah, I see. Well, I think that could be up to the player. Vengeance or Oathbreaker would work. Both fit.
Joined: Mar 2020
Quite frankly the bluntest way I can put it is that it looks almost as if a less talented artist/modeler worked on her face this time around. Yeah, but as I mentioned I would be surprised if it was the final version. As you mentioned it is not up to the standard of random NPCs, not to mention a likely companion. Or maybe Karlach was using a Disguise spell that changed her voice as well?
So maybe later when player meet this bald figure with a rather masculine voice in BG city, she suddenly introduce herself: "hey Tav, miss me? this is Karlach, surprise!" I think that would be very cool. There is a clash between Tyr champions claiming she is a devil in disguise, and her accusing Tyr champions of being cultusts. Now we know one of those accusations is true... what if the other was as well? Karlach presenting herself as far more innosence presence at first? Maybe helping her out isn't as an obvious choice as it might seem right now. Is she really a tiefling? That said, I would welcome a straight up good companion at some point. We have enough edgelords and dodgy goodish characters as it is.