Originally Posted by Wormerine
Rushed to Karlach to see he new model. She definitely doesn't fit her background story as much as what was datamined before. She is cute in a very bland way .
Yeah, i think "cute in a very bland way" is a perfect way to summarize the issue.
I've seen people complaining she's "too pretty" now but I don't think prettiness is the real issue.

The problem is that she's bland. Her face lacks any hint of personality and it's not particularly expressive and life-like in general. Even from a technical standpoint (amount of detail, moving facial muscles, etc) she seems like a step back not just from the previous datamined version but also from the previous generic NPC placeholder.

Quite frankly the bluntest way I can put it is that it looks almost as if a less talented artist/modeler worked on her face this time around.

EDIT - Now compare and contrast with this:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

(minus the lack of hair and the bullshit custom glowing eyes added by the modder here)

Last edited by Tuco; 24/02/22 03:47 AM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN