Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I dont understand ...
Please help me somebody here ... people are complaining that they dont like this items, and want something closerly related to DnD ... why there isnt even a single example of item they would like to see?
Do you expect Developers to just create one item after anthoer and hoping they finaly reach your hopes and then delete everythig else? O_o


I honestly dont even understand what is so wrong about items we have ...
The single clear complain i noticed was about somebody disliking names of those items ... once again no suggestion for something better. O_o
I mean i get that some names dont "sound good" to someone ... but not every sword in the world can be Frostmourne. :-/

I'm with you on that. I do not see anything wrong with having various magic items to suit different playstyles. IMHO It is better to have more options then less. I for one have no idea what the DnD tabletop is, don't know the rules nor do I wish to. And I can assume that the majority of people bying the game would be like me. Buying fantasy RPG game to have fun. I can only speak for myself and being a min/max gamer I do use those "risky" items all the time. Simply put I like the variety of magic items. If you don't like them or need them simply do not use them. The game is easy enough to solo at least until they implement the difficulty levels.