Originally Posted by Zefhyr
Don't doubt your opinion just because after 2 years 90% of the BG3 forum are non-objectives fans of Larian/BG/DD2 all mixed in a disgusting cocktail.

I dunno, I feel as though after this amount of time, the most enduring and continuing presences that remain active are the folks who are openly quite critical of the game's many issues, but who remain invested enough to still hope for improvement.

That said, let's try not to invoke any further us-them or otherwise combative attitudes by talking down at those who are less critical; fans are allowed to be fans, after all. (Though I venture that those who don't see any issues with the game as it is being presented likely don't have too much to add to the suggestions section of the forums as a result...)

To ragnarok - I think it's more about the idea that, as monsters, they will be naturally inclined to play to their strengths when hunting, and that means utilising their existing natural weapons - it's literally what they are there for. those talons are not little budgie claws - they are talons capable of cutting a peasant in half at a swipe, on a good day (or bad day for said peasant); they are, or should be, 100% absolutely more preferable to hucking random rocks they pick up off the ground.

Now, in a proper system, this is because they can actually gods-damned fly... so should spend most of their non-active turn time flying, out of danger from most normal creatures, yet in range to swoop in and strike. On their turn, they attempt to charm their potential prey, and watch to see who falls under their spell. They maintain their song as long as they have a victim snared (it only takes their bonus action to do this), and on each subsequent turn they fly in, attack with their talons, and wing back to safety if it seems prudent to back off again - the charmed target is incapacitated by the song and so A) will not take opportunity attacks against the charming harpy when she leaves their range (they couldn't anyway - charmed condition forbids it), and B) as part of the luring song, they do not get a repeat on their saving throw when the charming harpy damages them.

This is their natural hunting tactic, and it's very effective as long as they have the number advantage on their potential prey... throwing rocks is not.

Last edited by Niara; 28/02/22 03:51 PM.