I posted in this in general and nor BG3 so moving it here.

I like the game so far EXCEPT the companions who, with the exception of Gale, are awful. Even Gale is egotistical but he's a mage so it's expected.

I like good characters and heroism. I don't want to play with an Evil Cleric (general rule: evil clerics should be killed ASAP), a rogue who's first inclination is to put a knife to my throat (that alone means he will never end up in my party), a warlock who by very definition is a guy that makes deals with the devil, and a githyanki that is more trouble than she is worth cause she fights with everyone.

I literally want none of them in my party. So here are some suggestions:

1. More choices. Make more companions but give us some GOOD and NOBLE heroes.

2. Let me just make up 4 characters and not use yours like in the previous BG games.

3. Make the companions you already have have two alignments/personalities. Let the player decide which should be used.

Right now this is the major thing keeping me from playing more or recommend it to my friends. My gaming group feels the same we don't dig evil characters or dark characters we want Heroes to fight for good and justice.

Right now this game just alienates me.