We could definitely use some more companions. Alignment-wise I think the current spread is OK, but I fear once we get the remaining three origins characters party composition is going to comparatively feel a tad rigid for evil players-while Wyll, Gale, and Shadowheart+ the three 'good' origin characters I can see working just fine for players playing through the game as heroic good guys, or even just a sort of mercenary 'neutral' playthrough- but for evil players really only see Three options long-term. That's the player character+Lae'zel, Asterion, & Shadowheart. There's zero flexibility there. If you are playing one of the evil origin's characters, you might not even have enough appropriate npcs to fill out a party.

So while I think the game would really benefit from more companions, and there are a number of npcs who seem like they could fit the bill (Halsin, Alfira, Barcus, etc), it really needs some more recruitable evil party members. Minthara Seems like the obvious #1 candidate, but who else? Sazza? Abdirak?

It would also be neat to see some good/evil choices for certain classes. Shadowheart has cleric covered seemingly for both good and evil players, (though it would be nice to have more than one cleric option) but the only rogue and fighter is pretty evil, and there's only a singular option for an arcane spellcaster at the moment. In BG I+II there was plenty of options for you to use for the core classes for your party composition, so you never really felt forced to use a character you didn't like because they were the only option for that role. BG III so far feels restricted in that regard even with the reduced party size compared to the Infinity Engine games. Even if they only become available in Act II, it would be really, really nice if Larian gave us some more options to build out our parties.