My love for this game has waned. They're killing it. The more I'm seeing the signs, the more disheartened I become.

Well, at least I got my money's worth.

Larian, PLEASE! When you finish EA, PLEASE take this advice:

1. Provide an option for true 5e experience - rules and stats.
2. Provide an option for party of 6 and no party of 4 lock where you choose which 4 you continue with forever after Act 1.
3. Day/night cycle in some fashion.
4. Better Rest System that encourages Short Rest over Long.
5. Better Item Management.
6. Proper Shove and Throw.
7. Better feats to promote people actually taking them.
8. Proper scroll and item use.
9. No level cap.
10. And overall, less extremes. Balance. Balance. Balance.

If you did even SOME of these things, you would redeem this game. If not, well, that's that. Like I said, at least I got my money's worth. Won't ever buy another Larian game, but whatever. I'm sure that won't grieve you too much.

Anyway. I'm done. Someone else who cares can take up the fight if they care. I may or may not finish the fan fic. We'll see.

Wish you all well.

- GM4Him