Originally Posted by Van'tal
No, just don't pick those options.
Sure, but I also like class reactivity. Having your class/background/actions/reputation etc acknowladged in conversation is a great thing to have. I can't express how happy I was in Deadfire when as playing as ranger I was able to intriduce my pet wolf on multiple occasions. Speaking of PoE maybe I just got spoiled with barbarians not being always drawling brutes (honestly it was first RPG that didn't turn me off using a barb). Surely there is a more interesting take on a barb then Hulk's somehow dumber cousin. It might be, again my PoE ideology bleeding though, but I feel like class specific options should highlight this class' character and flavour, not define characters physican or mental state.

I am a barb therefore I know this/am perceived as this/have an ability to do that, rather then defining who our character is period. To countermeasure - a brilliant part of Barb reactivity I thought, was having to do a saving check to not kill the goblin Wyll wanted to interogate when under effect of rage (I do hope it is present only if one finishes combat enraged, it would be weird otherwise).

Originally Posted by Van'tal
How are you liking Barbarian BTW?
It's been alright. Have been playing a berserker. Seems flat out more powerful then warrior, though I killed Laez in this playthough so didn't have direct comparison. I like that they added proper throwing weapons, though I wish they would figure out a neater implementation of it - so I don't have to search for throwable weapons among everything else in my inventory. Honestly, mostly I have been focused on UI - to me that was the more significant addition.

Last edited by Wormerine; 09/03/22 11:04 PM.