Originally Posted by Niara
If the current design style and philosophy continues:

- You'll have a button called 'flurry of blows' that spends a ki point to give you a second, completely unlimited, bonus action. You'll be able to use this at any time, with no caveats, saving once per turn.

- You'll also have 3 separate buttons for:

- Flurry of Blows (Prone): strike damage + imparts the unconscious state, like the sleep spell or slipping in grease do.
- Flurry of Blows (Shove): strike damage + shoves the target, as per shove.
- Flurry of Blows (Shocked): strike damage + imparts the 'shocked' condition (complete with electric effects) as per shocking grasp or electrified puddles.

This is the 'minimum work' way of doing it in their existing system without creating anything new... and it's deeply disheartening to find myself believing that this is probably pretty close to what they will actually do. - That they haven't dropped monk on us yet because they *didn't* consider it to be one that had anything new or complex that they needed to develop for it, and they said they were getting the ones with new or special or difficult mechanics out of the way first.

((Bonus: Initial bug projection: Flurry (shove) will automatically work if the attack hits, or possibly, will make attack rolls and saves separately, so you may sometimes end up shoving successfully without hitting. It will probably also just use the same check as shove currently does, and *not* actually force a saving throw against your monk DC))

Holy Crap on a Cracker, Batman! Everything you just said... I can see it happening. Even if it wasn't previously, it is now.


All the classes... RUINED I say. RUINED!