Originally Posted by GM4Him
I hate mods, don't use them, etc. I tried using party of 6, simple mod, and had issues with my computer crashing, regularly. I do t play any games with mods for this reason and because you never know what viruses or potential issues they may cause.

Why are people okay with this approach? Just trust in modders to fix a game instead of wanting the devs to produce a good game to begin with?

I haven't had issues with viruses from Nexus, although mods can cause a game to lock up. Having to manage 6 players vs 4 might tax system resources...hell I get lag with 4 characters on ultra. To be clear I am not criticizing your cautious attitude toward downloads.

As far as being OK with producing a D&D game without first adapting the engine from DOS to be compatible with the 5e RAW, well that is on Wizards of the Coast really. The New York Giants have made poor decisions ever since their owner died, and looks like Gary Gygax failed to train a proper replacement too.

Anyway, its out of my hands for sure. I posted early on, in detail, why deviating from the RAW was a REALLY REALLY bad idea...they basically are testing a brand new game at that point. When they chose to stick with turn based 5e, all they had to do is follow the blue print like Solasta did. Get rid of stupid ideas, like also testing a sex simulator (shakes head...un-*ing believable), then they could have dedicated all of their creative energy to the story and characterization.

To be fair though, this is the studios best work yet.

I never completed DOS1 (I tried two separate times), because it became too repetitive and I got bored; also the story wasn't engaging enough to hold my interest.

I forced myself to complete DOS2, but got bored at the end...what was the plot again? I seriously don't recall.

BG3 is far far above and beyond what they have ever done so far and I applaud their efforts to continually try to raise the bar. Credit where credit is due.

More credit where credit is due:

The game is gorgeous, stunning even...grumbles...why can't I look around and up again?

The cinematics are incredible! ...I am nominating the Mind Flayer for best supporting monster at the next academy awards.

The level design is deep and well thought out. No cut and paste here!

The quests are "bang it out of the park" good! No fetch me 15 gnome eyeballs for my evil magic potion.

There are secret doors and puzzles.

Their are portals and *wait for it* relevant lore!

The story elements are absolutely there to tie into the events occurring after BG2 (check out Wolfhearts site, pull up a log by the fire, and he will regail you with tails from the land of Faerun and the planes themselves).

Larian has and IS doing their homework.

Volo..."I can't wait to pick your brain"

At this point, time is of the essence in this project. By all means, please concentrate on the story!

That and deliver what was promised:

Remaining classes

Dice roll for attributes

Multiclass (please get that done).

Ima not try to convince people who are wary of mods to use them, only to be responsible when their computer takes over the world, however IF you can reasonably eliminate the threat of viruses, then mods do make all the difference in the world!

Game safe!

Last edited by Van'tal; 11/03/22 01:49 PM.