Originally Posted by GM4Him
Why are people okay with this approach? Just trust in modders to fix a game instead of wanting the devs to produce a good game to begin with?
I am not. That’s why I don’t buy/play Bethesda games anymore. I would rather buy a well built game, then buy an engine with crappy campaign and hope that one of the other customers will have enough know how/patience to build a good game within it. I haven’t quite give up on Larian yet, as unlike Bethesda they seem to have at least some grand game in mind, but BG3 might be title that will land them in the same bucket as Bethesda for me. I will just need to make sure and not sleep on the next great RPG just as I slept on New Vegas for too many years, simply because Fallout3 was a boring incoherent waste of time.