Originally Posted by Van'tal
Obsidian and Bethesda seem to have a cold war going on, although they deny it. Obsidian definitely out-shined fallout 76 with Outer Worlds.
I honestly doubt that. Sure New Vegas outshines anything Bethesda has done, and Outer Wordls have been use prior to release to bash over Fallout76, though that sentiment seemed to reduce once everyone played Outer Worlds and realised it is just an a-ok title. In the end Bethesda will look at how much money they make reselling Skyrim for the X time and laugh. The only flop they had was 76 and they will likely make it up in spade as soon as Starfield drops.

I doubt Starfield has anything to do with Outer Worlds. Games aren't made in a year or two - Bethesda was likely working on Starfield before OW came to public attention. OW is a Fallout-like, while Bethesda has been moving away from that chasing newer trends. We still need to learn something about the game but so far it seems to have little to nothing to do with OW other then both having different flavours of SF.

Last edited by Wormerine; 11/03/22 06:28 PM.