Given how Larian has handled the Early Access communication so far, I'll remain cautious and skeptical until I see any actual change. Assuming such a change in their engagement with the players ever occurs, which I'm not putting my money on. But hey, I'd love to be proven wrong. (Better yet, I'd love to see Larian start working on improving the game's playability, user interface, etc, instead of just the graphics. But save that, having someone explaining to us why this won't happen would be great.)

For what it's worth, I learned while watching Wolfheart's "behind the scene of Panel From Hell 7" video that Larian has a PR team. A team. With several people in it. So not only is the number of dedicated PR workers at Larian non-zero (or not reduced to Swen's regular PR shifts), but this number is greater than or equal to two. And look at how Larian has managed EA communication thus far. They never lacked the (human and financial) resources to do better. They just didn't want to.

It's entirely possible that this job advert is just to replace someone who recently left the company. But I'll admit that, for one, it explicitly says "community manager", and for two, Larian posted the ad on Twitter. I doubt this is the first hiring they're making since the start of the project (even since the start of the EA phase), but I think it's the first one advertised through Twitter. So maybe they're trying to send a signal to the players. But maybe not. I'll wait and see.

ps : I'm now curious to see if some of us on this forum (and I include users and mods) will apply

Last edited by Drath Malorn; 15/03/22 06:21 PM.