Solasta is getting a big update with a new campaign (levels 1-12, supposed focus on non-linearity, factions, and player choice this time around), an extra subclass for every available class, and the multiplayer on April 14th. The multiplayer will apparently support both the campaigns and the custom dungeons - though I am not sure how well it'll work with how they scripted most conversations and some fights (there'll be a lot of unprompted triggering of things if the players act without constant communication).

As for the new campaign, I was kinda hoping to get a "sequel" to the main one, and it still could be that, but with a new party rather than the old one? I guess it spares them the trouble of having to implement high levels. Still, with BG3 still cooking in relative obscurity for another year, it's something to look forward to. The campaign's structure, lack of choice, and an abrupt ending were some of the bigger letdowns in Solasta, so getting a new one where those problems are allegedly getting addressed is at least somewhat encouraging.