Originally Posted by GM4Him
- Banter. BG3 is getting better at this, but Solasta is still better. I like that characters in Solasta are interacting with one another all the time and even poking fun - playfully - at one another. You miss an enemy and your ally says, "You suck!" or "Do better next time." Or, if you chose a nicer personality, they'll say, "You'll get 'em next time." During dialogue sequences, they are playfully bantering back and forth.
If only that banter was actually well-written... Heck, the "You suck!" periodically shouted around by my gruff dwarven warrior made me cringe about every single time. It's one step away from them flinging around "cool" and "dude" in what's supposed to be a fantasy setting.

The interactions' main problem is how they basically have no player input whatsoever. In that, Solasta is probably one of the worst out of the D&D adaptations out there, because your "role-playing" pretty much ends as you finish character creation, and all you have afterwards is praying that the incomprehensible mess that is their dialogue scripting doesn't make your characters act all OoC. The fact that there's a feat which gives you expertise on all the dialogue skills while the game picks separate three characters for persuasion, intimidation, and deception whenever they pop up is a very dumb design oversight, too.