Originally Posted by andreasrylander
Originally Posted by geala
- The Wildheart subclass seems kind of week to me, as you don't get two attacks, and what you get instead is not that impressing. I stopped playing a Barbarian tank, as with the changed AVC mechanics dealing damage is so much more important.

Eh... resistance against ALL damage (except psychic) is "not that impressive"? It's pretty much the best subclass for barbarians, bar none. Also, if you want an "extra attack", take the great weapon master feat.

It sounds great but my experience was not as good as with Berserker. Maybe my fault because I played the Wildheart as kind of tank with shield and onehanded. Despite the resistances he took much damage because the fights simply lasted longer. My group with the Berserker was quite superior. That does not mean that Wildheart isn't a viable option, "kind of weak" is in comparison to the performance of the other subclass.

What happens at higher levels I cannot say, of course.

Last edited by geala; 22/03/22 07:42 AM.