Originally Posted by AnnaKin89
Originally Posted by Temohjyn
I was absolutely flabbergasted when I tried to use mage hand for that and it didn't work. I can't remember if I actually remarked out loud or in my head at incredible volume, but my exact words were: "What the hell good is the mage hand spell if it can't pull a damn lever?!!!" Which brings me to a good question. What the hell IS BG3's version of the Mage Hand spell good for? So far I have never been able to actually get it to DO anything, other than float there.

Its very unfortunately the most disappointingly useless cantrip, especially when its super useful in actual dnd. I haven't touched that cantrip in over a year. if anything changes please keep me posted

The only useful thing it can do, is something it should not be able to do, which is shove creatures, and even then, it's only useful for cheesing encounters using the broken shove mechanics.