Originally Posted by CMK
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by CMK
Yeah, well they gave us Berserker Barbarian which is not in the PHB sooo they clearly aren't sticking strictly to the PHB... They also gave us Drow and Githyanki which aren't playable races in the PHB
Berserker Barbarian is in the PHB, although Larian has made changes to the class similar to what they did for the Ranger (both are widely disliked/thought to be underpowered RAW). Compared to the RAW Berserker, BG3 removes the Level of Exhaustion penalty for going into a Frenzy and adds the option to Enraged Throw instead of making a Bonus Action Frenzied Strike.

"Dark Elf (Drow)" is also a playable race in the PHB, as a subrace of Elves.

But yeah, Larian has added stuff that isn't in the PHB: Githyanki at the very least, and probably more I can't think of. And these forums are certainly the right place to advocate for adding races/classes/spells from later books. Booming Blade in particular seems right up Larian's alley; its conditional effect is similar to BG3's magic items.

Hmmm... then D&D beyond screwed up... because when I go to D&D Beyond and click on PHB then Barbarian then choose the section on Paths Berserker isn't mentioned... you have to go to the over all menu then select Barbarian which then gives you all of the paths included in all the books.

Anyway I know for a FACT that Devine weapon is INDEED in the PHB and taking that from Cleric kinda neuters them a little in the early going.
D&D beyond is abit screwy. Sometimes only shows things like subclasses if you have purchased them. Can very much confirm beserker in the PhB. Clerics lacking divine weapon (I think you mean spiritual weapon?) doesent in the least make them unplayable.If you think they need spiritual weapon to be a powerfull class im not quite sure how you got that idea.

Some suggestions for other spells: Try the spells holy nuke or bad touch as I call them (Guiding bolt and inflict wounds for everyone else) a ranged attack that does 4D6 radiant damage and grants advantage for the next attack targetting the target until the end of your next turn. And a touch spell that does 3D10 necrotic damage respectivly. Both of those are lvl 1 spells that can outright 1-shot enemies with 20+ hp which is most of the enemies in the early game. Having another weapon attack that uses your bonus action for a minute is nice. But clerics work just fine without it.

Do want to join the sentiment that I would like to see the other subclasses put in the game as well. As much as I love the light domain, I want to test run the others as well!