Woah. Im gone from these forums for 6 months and this topic is still a thing.... Or again. Not entirely sure.

Inclusion or lack of a day/night cycle is I feel a design choice. I wonder if the people saying 'its easy to implement' can say that with any degree of certainty. Do you work with Larian's engine? Is such a thing even an option in their engine? Does Larian themselves think it would add anything?

At the end of the day they need to make the game and if they feel it wouldnt add to much I very much doubt its going to happen.

As to what it would add. Erm. Not that much I feel. Mostly stealth options. Maybe different encounters compared to the day for nocturnal entities and/or bandits and I feel that would kind of be it. Maybe different npc's that are awake and others that are asleep. I honestly dont feel that would warrant changes to their engine.