Yeah, you could use Shadowkeeper or whatever and give yourself all 25's if you want. You could also set the difficulty level to easy, and give yourself all the spells and a couple +5 weapons. I might try that sometime, but I'll bet I wouldn't last very long that way ... won't satisfy the "fever", eh?

I am more a fan of being able to increase ability scores as a consequence of playing the game. The old D&D dice rolling scheme really did not give much chance of having a lot of high scores, and you were lucky to get a 16 or higher in anything. But that was OK at low levels because there were opportunities to increase scores as part of the game-play later on. There were Tomes, Wishes, Magic Pools, Artifacts, etc. The rules now allow you increase ability scores automatically at certain experience levels, but that does not make sense and I think it sort of takes away from the game-play reward system a bit. I'd rather have major benefits like ability score increases to be tied to my character's story, rather than some automatic accounting machine running in the background.