I played BG 1& 2 many times. Last time was last year. I like a lot of things about them, but I'm not a fan of the child of the god of murder premise. I like more down to earth character concepts like Hawke from DA2, who was just a normal girl in the wrong place, no chosen one crap.
And I will never ever forgive BioWare for Anomen, the worst and whiniest character ever - and then they made him the only love interest for women. WTF? Thank Cthulhu for mods.
I like the world, most characters ( apart from the A- word, I don't like Minsc and Aerie, they are super annoying for me), the storyline mostly and most of the game mechanics.
I like the party of 6, day and night cycle ( and that events are happening based in that) and the tons of mods.
Speaking of old and in this case flawed games: The game I played more often than the two BGs is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who