I don't find discussing BG1&2 to be much of the revelance here, as BG3 has barely anything to do with them. It's a sequel in the name only.

BG2 is a classic, and one of the few 100% guaranteed games to be included in my top 10 of all times - it is "dated" in the way films from silver era are: they are clearly not a modern production, but at least for me it doesn't diminish their value or my enjoyment of it. Some of it's individual ideas are underdeveloped by todays stadard and there are elements that I could easily criticise, but they all combine into something one of a kind and special. Did a full playthrough of BG1&2 sometime around PoE2 campaign (so 4, 5 years ago?) and it was still great experience. Did play around with infinity engine games on my ipad about a year ago, and in spite of clunky touch interface I still had a pretty good time.

I think less of BG1, even though I am very fond of it as well - but I see it more as the game that came before BG2. A bit like Demon Souls to Dark Souls, Systemshock1 to Systemshock2, Civilization1 to Civilization2.