Originally Posted by Etruscan
I think what BG1 did really well (though I understand this divides opinion) is the sense of loss and being out in the wilderness without much of a clue what to do or where to go.
Yes you nailed it. I was immediately able to relate to Charname in a very personal way. You are this adopted kid with no known background. You are raised in Candlekeep, which only serves to highlight even more how much of a nobody you are, being constantly surrounded by people so very highly educated and talented. Finally, when you become an adult, your adoptive father takes you out of this closed setting you've spent your whole life in, on a very important journey you know nothing about. But soon after leaving, a very ominous and scary and uber-powerful enemy attacks and kills the only person in the world who cares for you, leaving you cold, starving, exposed, vulnerable, and so very alone in the world. And you have no idea what to do next, and only a very vague idea of some place you're supposed to go to. Heck you don't even have confidence you will survive the day!

No other game since has made me feel as connected to my PC as the beginning of BG1 did for me.