Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Gt27mustang
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Well I am pretty confident you guys are going to get D&D video games in some of these newly-resurrected settings in the next few years. WotC will be releasing at least one new game every year, and they won't all be in the Realms. So we may not get every single one of those other settings, but certainly some of them.

I'm betting the game being made by OtherSide Entertainment is a Ravenloft game.

Never heard of them...Is it just a guess? What makes you think it's a Ravenloft game that is in developpement? I just looked them up and couldn't find anything
In a series of posts and media comments about a year ago, WotC revealed that two new D&D games are in the works, by Hidden Path Entertainment, and OtherSide Entertainment. The Hidden Path team subsequently sent out some tweets and posts confirming they were working on a third-person open-world AAA D&D game. OtherSide, however, has not said anything in public at all. But based on the kind of games OtherSide has done, I am just guessing that IF (a big if) their D&D game is for real, then it could be a Ravenloft game.

Man, how much I would love that. I really like the Divinity engine used for BG3/D:OS, but I think it's an area where Larian could improve. You don't have to look further than Obsidian: even if PoE1 was a bit bland, I really think that PoE2 had one of the best range of mood/atmosphere/color palette and it translated really well to how you feel about the game. My biggest hope would be to see a Ravenloft game made with the PoE engine and 5e rules.