There have been many threads on this forum (and others) about the gameplay mechanics in Baldur's Gate 3. It seems to me that many of these issues can be condensed into a single question regarding players' expectations about the type of combat they would prefer to have in this game. I hope you will share your opinion in this simple poll, so that the outcome will have a chance to affect the final game.

For any players who may not be familiar with the previous discussions or 5E game mechanics, I have given a few brief examples below that might help explain what the conversation is about. "Simplified" mechanics are what were released in the Early Access version of the game, which have remained largely unchanged.

Traditional actions and bonus actions:
This means that the game would follow 5E rules for the timing, distance, damage, and cost of actions defined in the PHB. Nothing that requires a full action could be done with only a bonus action, unless this ability was granted by a spell, class feature, or other special mechanic. Actions and bonus actions would generally follow the core ruleset restrictions on timing and usage, and their effects would follow those described in the handbook.
Example: Shove costs an action, and a successful shove attack pushes a target 5 feet.

Traditional reactions:
This means that players would have the freedom to choose which reaction opportunities to take, and how to use them.
Example: A player has the ability to decide which reaction-timed spell to cast as a reaction right after they are attacked.

Traditional dice roll and damage modifiers:
This means that the game would follow the core rules for gaining advantage (or disadvantage) on attacks, finding cover, becoming or staying invisible, adding damage to an attack, or utilizing other D&D combat mechanics. The game would try to preserve the cost and difficulty of these mechanics from the core rules.
Example: Players must follow one of the methods in the player's handbook to gain advantage, such as by casting a spell or using a class feature.

Traditional power of weapons and spells.
This means that weapons and spells would roughly match the relative power level given to them in the player's handbook. Values for range, damage, status effects, damage types, resistance, vulnerability, cost, timing, etc., would be similar to those in the player's handbook. Adjustments and improvements to spells and items would not imbalance any spell, weapon type, or ability.
Example: Longbows have significantly greater range than crossbows.

There are, of course, more core rules that would differentiate Traditional and Simplified combat, but I think these examples provide enough information to let people cast a vote.

Do you want Traditional or Simplified combat?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 24/04/22 07:56 PM
You must vote before you can view the results of this poll.