Combat is already cheesified, so a traditional approach is not really in the cards. Whereas I tend to gravitate towards traditional, what matters most is what works best for gameplay. And I firmly believe how reactions are finally dealt with will be crucial. This will become obvious to more people once we get to toy around with eg. a Lore Bard who have Cutting Words and Counterspell to react to just about any enemy's action(s). Implemented like Solasta with an ugly pop-up freezing combat like I see many advocate, would kill the flow of combat and harm immersion for most who's not part of the purist 5e mechanics crowd. Implemented like a slow-motion real-time reaction would slow combat somewhat, but be immersive and offer player agency. The current implementation (pre-set automatic reaction) would be *horribly inadequate* to the point of removing the reaction mechanic all together would be preferable. This again would unleash an avalanche of homebrew - something Larian in my opinion has shown themselves pretty inept at with poor balancing, poor internal logic/lore/immersion and poor creativity.