I honestly don't want a 100% RAW 5e experience. Spellcasting would suck. Imagine having to make sure you have all the proper spell components every time you wanted to cast certain spells.

Want to cast Fireball? Nope. Can't. You don't have a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur. Too bad.

Ugh. No thanks. I found it hard enough to deal with the spell focuses in Solasta which require an equipment slot of some kind. I'd always strive to buy a focus that wasn't in my item utility slot, and sometimes I would sell the focus first and forget to buy a new one. Then my spellcaster couldn't use magic and I'd be like, "Ah crap. Forgot the spell focus."

Yeah. No thanks. Simple is better in a lot of regards. BG3 is a fun game partially because they didn't go 100% RAW.

Again. Looking for more RAW. Not 100%. Something that will balance the game more and make certain things more meaningful.