Originally Posted by geala
There are much less "satanists" around than media will make you believe.
Well ... yes, but actualy no. smile
I mean i dont argue about that statement ... what i was trying to say is that there exists many "satanists" out there, that those "media" would most likely not even concider being a "satanist" ... since they dont fit "common description". wink

That is problem with sects ...
They often dont feel any urge to stick with deffinitions society gives them. :P

Originally Posted by geala
They offer nothing special to their followers what not other better gods can give, and what the baddies offer generally is destruction, period.
Thats not true ...
In tabletop your character needs to please their deity with their actions, otherwise (if you are Cleric, or Paladin) you can easily loose your powers, once you loose your deity favour ... how would you like to play some egomaniacal, sadistic tyrant ... as a cleric ... if you would not have any Evil deity to give your their power?

Sure, Evil deities are often worshipped by mad degenerates with twisted priorities ... but quite honestly, so what?

Its true that "regular person" will most likely not choose Shar over Selune ...
But that is exactly it ... worshippers or Shar are rarely "regular". laugh

You cant imagine it as waking up in the morning, killing some babies to worship my Goddess, then eat breakfast, go to work, later meet my neighbor at barbecue ... at evening burn his house, to please my Goddess ... shower and go to sleep. Just regular day, nothing special. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown