Originally Posted by Archaven
It seems to me reaction, concentration, light and dark vision is kinda big deal in dnd5e. Correct me if i'm wrong.
I know little of 5e outside what I played in BG3 and Solasta. Playing S. reactions seemed to me like a core part of action economy and class identity - just as useful actions as Full and bonus action. BG3 relegates it to mostly out of player control bonus thing, which is a shame. I do find spells relying on concentraion really difficult to utilize in BG3, as Larian added a lot of homebrew items that create unavoidable damage - combine that with very very generous throw distance, and I can't keep a spell up for even a full turn, unless I really commit to it, like retreating and hiding the caster - not terribly exciting as we get only 4 character to play with. Stay in sight and enemies are bound to chuck granades with guaranteed damage across the whole battlefield.