Originally Posted by Niara
Well, it's a bit of an aside now, but: bear in mind for that, that the rogue's sneak attack continues to grow, while the ranger does not gain any further attacks. At level 5, a ranger might be rolling functionally 6 dice and adding ability mod three times, while the rouge in the same position is only rolling five dice and adding ability mod twice... but the ranger needs three hit checks for that while the rogue only needs two. Move on to level seven, only two later, and the ranger is still at the same damage ratio, while the rogue has caught up. Two more levels after that, and the rogue is rolling more dice and needing fewer hit checks for it than the ranger in the same position... and the gap only widens after that. If you consider opportunity attacks alongside that, and the fact that the rogue is getting to roll their SA outside their turn as well, then they're already out-damaging the ranger in the same position, even at level 5, for the same presumed opportunities and attack time.

Interesting.. didn't think that fewer attacks is better? you are right though as more attacks means more rolls and some may fail. i have restarted my party for the 3rd time now.. but i'm going with dual-wield ranger, 2 handed paladin, battle cleric and shock mage. absolutely loving it so far. previously i have ranger replaced with rogue though. i must admit i love that bonus action for stealth. but it seems ranger isn't bad either. it has pass without trace, favored enemy, multi-attack defense, and twin blade. just got to level 5 and i must say having alot more fun now.