Originally Posted by Moradin's hammer
I'm glad that Larian decided to fuse their own style with Forgotten Realms.

I never played BG2, but I have played BG1, and I hate it with a passion. I hate clunky controls, where you can't have a thief check for traps and sneak at the same time, I hate Tarnesh at the Friendly Arm's Inn, I hate the chess level in Durlag's Tower, I hate random encounters with web traps that just turn your entire group off for about 5 mins of irl time. I didn't use any guides for the game, and learned to deal with every challenge with minimal losses, but it didn't feel like a victory. It felt like learning to live with a serious case of hemorrhoids. I also am not fond of the fact that nobody cares about your race/class, and the awful, juvenile dialogue with about 5 instances in the entire game where your choice affects the outcome (yes, that includes the Marl dialogue).

I'm no stranger to games that don't hold your hand much. I'm a huge fan of Morrowind, VtMB, both KotORs and many other old titles. When I play them, I feel that these games genuinely want to pull me into their atmosphere and provide reasonable chanllenge. And when I play BG1, it feels like the game wants to fuck with me just for the sake of it. To make the journey as bland, tedious and harrowing as possible. I hope to God that BG3 is nothing like at least one of it's predecessors.

Rofl alright then. You hate Baldurs gate with a passion yet love....... wait for it.....Morrowind...?!? Really?!?! What does this have to do with anything? Apart for SORTA being an RPG, the similarities end there lol.
So basically you despise isometric rpg games and love 3d open world hack N slash games.
I can come up with dozens of reasons why Baldur's gate is BETTER than Morrowind. And hundreds more that BG2 is even better.
BG has clunky controls...give me a break. And Morrowind doesnt???! Its a UI nightmare. A dialogues nightmare. A bug infested AI nightmare. Pointless <RPG> abilities. Shallow combat. etc etc....Apart from the 3D world to explore part, Im not sure what Morrowind DOES better?

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 11/05/22 07:05 AM.