Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
I have no words.

Well, okay, I have some words. High level mage fights are probably going to end up WAY messier in BG3 than it was in this Solasta fight for very obvious reasons.

If reactions make it in, it's going to be worth noting that enemies will likely counterspell YOUR spells too. And having Gale and/or Wyll around for counterspell may end up being an outright requirement when it comes to facing enemy mages too. Since you only have one reaction per round, choosing WHEN to use that reaction will be critical - in the above video, I made a massive tactical error in using my Greenmage Wizard's reaction to cancel damage from an incoming cantrip instead of saving it to counterspell that Cone of Cold later that round.

At the same time, the enemy mages kinda blew their counterspells to cancel my Shadowcaster Rogue's counter cantrips for some reason, so...

Still though, I love the concept of reactions in general. There's using reactions to defend yourself, but there are reactions that allow you to defend other party members from incoming attacks (as the enemies in the above video demonstrated very poorly), which makes the system feel really dynamic.

I just get to take counterspell yesterday in solasta. I was already level 10. out of my amazement i was like super stoked. I could actually counterspell the enemy counterspell!. My melee was about to hit the enemy caster and he counterspelled. And the reaction popups that i can counter the enemy counterspell!. And i did it the enemy caster is down!. Very cool.