Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
For me this is just UNBELIEVABLE that 2 years in EA WE STILL have no SOLID idea of exactly what ALL the classes/kits will be. No SOLID number for companions.
I don't quite understand why you would expect to know any of it. Larian released early build, gauge interest and releases everyonce in a while stuff they want the audience to test. They said more or less what they plan to include at launch, and to be honest they have no benefit of sharing specifics early.

Playerbase have no direct influence on development, so unless Larian wants to hear what fans think about certain aspects of the game, player feedback in areas they don't is irrelevant. Those who bought EA won't be spending more money on BG3, so it's better to keep as many things confidential for release to build hype for the rest of the potential audience. It sounds like you have issue with advertising and community engagement:
Maybe a weekly Faerun lore news update? Something to IMMERSE use in your world Larian?
Instead of just bloating sub-par kids fan <art> once in a while. SHOW US YOUR CURRENT BG3 PRO CONCEPT ART INSTEAD!
Which I find odd. You already bought the game - what difference it makes to you and me how they advertise themselves? Teams who manage marketing are not game devs - how good they are, or what they do is disconnected from the game that is currently made. Maybe as a person who doesn't engage with social media much, I am just not worried if devs don't want/aren't allowed to post stuff - it is a multihundered dev team - you won't get a direct communicate that you can get with small indies, with team members in constant communication and fingers in every pie of the production. I know more of how BG3 is shaping up then Starfield or Avowed - I can hardly complain, even if I am not happy about some aspects of the game. It is still at least a year before BG3 release. I can't imagine them coming up with weekly newsletters for that lengthy amount of time... nor am I particularly interested in receiving more spam. If you wanna read up on Feurun, resources are all there.

Yes you are right.
But I was thinking more in terms of what if you DIDNT buy into EA but ARE a fan of D&D and Baldur's gate. Apart from these silly Larian anouncements we have a couple times a year and youtube lets play videos...It doesnt feel like they are trying to engage us to join in this new world and adventure.
Thought it would be nice if they had some kind or Lore gazette every week that loosely ties to the game; to build up that world and immersion once you start playing. I for one HATE being spoiled, I played EA very sparingly just to test things out.
Yea we have the game but everything around BG3 feels...empty? Not sure how to describe it.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 14/05/22 07:45 AM.