I'm going to repeat myself about the 20th time, but whatever.
The problem is that too much depends on a long rest.
You expect too much after the game. In no DnD game that exists, there has never been a many consequence of constant resting.
The point is, what you propose takes a tremendous amount of work, and this is only the first act of the game, and not even the whole act.
Of course, they can add such things, but considering how long it takes them to create the game, it will probably be another year of delay, which will be an exaggeration.
Remember that the grove itself is not even the majority of the first act and it will be even longer at the premiere.

Whether you like it or not, the game has cinematic dialogues and they will be in the full version.
Which at the same time makes bigger changes much more difficult.
At the moment, if some of the dialogues suddenly stopped being cinematic, it would look strange and most likely I would report it as a bug.

Also take into account that the game will have different difficulty levels and if you repeat the situation from previous games, playing more than 1-2 duels for a long rest will be a challenge (at least in 1 act).
Likewise, on the lower difficulty levels, you will most likely be able to play most of the act without even resting.
This difference alone makes the balance of rests not very possible, it would have to be balanced for each setting separately.