Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
DOSI and II??? Or are you saying that those aren't crpgs?
I may be wrong but I don't remember that you're fully healed after combats in DoS. Am I wrong ?

About cooldown if thats what you were talking about... its an entire other system in which you absolutely dont have to end combats to recover (most of?) your class features and spells.
You dont "auto regain" anything... the cooldown just come to an end.

If short rests are meant to be a "restoration spell" I guess they could just have allowed healing words as a ritual spell... maybe another bad decision between DoS and DnD.
You don't auto-heal in DOSII, but you can (and are expected to) click on your bedroll for a full heal after each fight, which is essentially an auto-heal-after-combats. DOSII fights are certainly balanced assuming you start them with full HP & armor. And yes, cooldowns are a different system, but they're under the umbrella category of "full resources for every fight."

I wasn't necessarily suggesting that Larian change BG3 to be cooldown-based, but that is a possible (extreme) option. Alternatively, Larian could reduce the # of spell slots for caster characters, though then they'd run into making sorcerers and warlocks too similar. Idk exactly; there's lots of possible solutions if Larian wants to go that route. My main point is that Larian should choose between the D&D "Spreading Resources Over an Adventuring Day, with Short- and Long-Rest Classes" and the "You're Expected to Go Into Each Fight with Full Resources" because having it both ways doesn't really work.