Apparently implementing it requires deep changes in their engine. And since BG3 is running on upgraded DOS2 engine one can only pray to god Larian got enought money from EA sales to start working on the said changes. We will never know until release. The only thing we know is the above( confirmed by modders, composer here on the forum + Sven who said pre-BG3 EA release the game won't have a day/night cycle).

"Lastly, not doing it would be a huge missed opportunity. This game could sell ten million copies if done right and Larian know it." It already sold millions copies and it's like...not even done. Like at all. 70% of the game are missing lol.
So for me that little fact is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.