Agree with Tuco, that EA has unquestionably made the game better. Feedback - through player suggestions, bug reports, and player metrics - has resulted in many positive changes. And of course BG3 now has more marketing than it would otherwise.

However, Larian's complete lack of community discussion (especially compared to community interaction from another D&D video game studio), the incredibly slow content drip during EA, and their questionable design choices for BG3 have put me off ever participating in a Larian EA process again.

2+ years is a very long time for a game to be in EA. It's somewhat understandable because of the pandemic, but even still, Larian should have probably released EA later in their development process.
I think the Full Release game will look incredibly similar to the final EA patch. New areas, people, quests, etc in Act 1, but the mechanics and gameplay will probably be practically the same.