Originally Posted by Flooter
Why dismiss the results out of hand when you could check the math?
Do you mean in original topic? I simply didnt want to search for it ...
Or do you mean in this one? That showed an hour later after what you quoted ... i am man of many talents, but readint the future isnt one of them. smile

Anyway, feel free to blame my lazyness ... but i simply didnt have any reason to do that.

As i stated abowe, even if that guess made by Tuco (200) were 100% corect ...
(Wich we now know it was not, since there is no way you can round 147 to 200, maybe except when you are rouding up to whole hunderts, but in that case even 101 is 200, so using that method would be ridiculous by itself.
... in other words, yes now im absolutely certain that Tuco exaggerated, just as i suspected ...)

But even IF he would be corect, it would be meaningless bcs my argument was about his words "OVERWHELMING majority of users" ... and 200 people out of millions of players (i dunno how many coppies were sold, blame my lazyness again if it was announced) simply cannot ever be described by those words. laugh

Originally Posted by Flooter
If you paste the whole thread in Excel and start sifting through the data
I dont ave Excel ... and im certainly not installing any software for single use in forum argument about game. smile

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown