Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
As i stated abowe, even if that guess made by Tuco (200) were 100% corect ...
(Wich we now know it was not, since there is no way you can round 147 to 200
Which it WAS, as the sample was in fact of 201 users. In fact according to the updated numbers it was even an underestimation, since the new total is at 228 according to Flooter''s recount.

But even IF he would be corect, it would be meaningless bcs my argument was about his words "OVERWHELMING majority of users" ... and 200 people out of millions of players (i dunno how many coppies were sold, blame my lazyness again if it was announced) simply cannot ever be described by those words. laugh
If ONE user out of 201 speaking favorably about the mechanic (or let's say 3 out of 228 now) and 75% of them being OPENLY AGAINST it doesn't point to the *overwhelming majority of users* not liking it, then I don't know what it is.

Also, clearly you have no fucking clue of how a sample works.
There are even nation-wide polls made with samples of 1000 people at most. But according to you we would need a million votes to know for sure how the majority feels about something.

As I said, you made a hobby of being the petulant little devil's advocate of every lost cause on this forum.

Last edited by Tuco; 27/05/22 03:35 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN