Originally Posted by Tuco
There are even nation-wide polls made with samples of 1000 people at most.
Yeah, I didn’t mention margin of error. Using a Survey Monkey applet (which I may have done wrong) the margin of error is -/+6%. That means there’s a 95% chance that the actual number of people who dislike the system is between 66% and 78%.

Who we’re surveying is an important question. It’s likely this “thread count” and the survey Maximuuus mentioned are reflective of different segments of the player base. Having to be a forum member in order to have your opinion tallied is a strong bias. My guess is they’re more invested in BG3 than average, and are likely to be somewhat outspoken given the very nature of a forum.

As for EA, I’m of two minds. Discovery is such a big part of this game that seeing a big chunk of EA in an unpoilshed state is that much less awe I’ll get to experience on launch. I bought into the EA because I’d heard and seen so much about 5e that I wanted to try my hand at building characters. The fact you can only build one per playthrough really burned me out quickly.

The fun part is watching the game grow and interacting with the forum. It’s really interesting to analyze the game’s issues, see what Larian do to address them and then read player feedback. I’m still hyped for every PFH because I want to know what changed. And I’ll be hyped for 1.0, when BG3 reveals all of its glory.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.