Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Tuco
Roughly 200 unique users on this forum alone spoke unfavorably about the mechanic
Originally Posted by Tuco
Which it WAS, as the sample was in fact of 201 users. In fact according to the updated numbers it was even an underestimation, since the new total is at 228 according to Flooter''s recount.
When exactly we turned from "spoke unfavorably" to "users in total" ? laugh
You have to pick a side ...

Originally Posted by Tuco
(spoiler: that would equate to pretty much 95% of the people who talked about it at all)
Originally Posted by Flooter
RESULTS (Out of 181 + 47 = 228 accounts)

- 164 (72%) of them give a feedback that you can't missunderstood : they don't like this system
See? Not pretty much 95% ... exactly 72% ...
Thanfully Flooter did the math for me, as he said, feel free to check it. wink

Once again, exaggerated.

Originally Posted by Tuco
If ONE user out of 201 speaking favorably about the mechanic (or let's say 3 out of 228 now) and 75% of them being OPENLY AGAINST it doesn't point to the *overwhelming majority of users* not liking it, then I don't know what it is.
Thats quite easy ...
It points out to the fact that "overwhelming majority of people who cared about the topic enough to come to this forum to that topic, to complain about it ... didnt like it". smile

Not users in general. wink
Why are you even assuming that only the ones that spoke openly against the chain system should count as the only ones that "spoke unfavorably" of it?
As I already pointed Maximuuus' interpretation of what counted as "neutral" in that thread was already pretty CHARITABLE.
Most of the "neutral" users had plenty of criticism about the system as well, most of the "mild positions" amounted to "Yeah, it's BAD, but maybe it would be better IF".
Not to mention that while I can't really be bothered to go back and check for everyone, I can already spot a bunch of users that were counted as "neutral" by Flooter while they actually expressed openly negative opinions about the system. Case in point: GM4Him was not "neutral" in the slightest.

And with what face are you even spitting hair about my approximation being inaccurate when yours amounted to "It's probably just 20 users"?
Are you even more unfamiliar with the concept of shame that with basic grammar?

The main aspect for sample to have any value is that those people choosen for sample have to be "sufficiently different", to include as much potential opinions as possible ...
That is often achieved by picking people randomly.

Wich didnt happened here.
Fun fact: the bias of the sample here is in FAVOR of Larian, not against it.
The people who hang around here are at very least interested in the game and committed to hang around and play the EA.
I know plenty of users in other spaces that aren't so well-inclined toward BG3 or past Larian products. In fact, while I may sound one of the fiercest opponents of the chain system here, in other forums I know people who rate it so badly that they said they just aren't interested in the game if this doesn't change.

Yes, we all know you love to repeat yourself
No matter how many times you state, you will still be wrong. wink

"He said, while proving him right".

You are once again splitting hair and defending something bad for the sake of defending it.
And "repeating myself" is nowhere near as a bad habit as spouting incoherent nonsense on a regular basis just for the sake of pestering other forum users with your obnoxious and vapid multiquotes, since we are on it.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN