Originally Posted by Maximuuus
There's also a survey that was done right after the beginning of the EA asking if players were "satisfied" with the chain system.
50% were satisfied while 50% weren't (+-1000 playerd gave their opinion).
Care to point where we can check it? Because I've been here for years, even before the EA started, and I've never seen that survey.

In fact, I know the chain system was widely unpopular even in the DOS 1 and (especially) DOS 2 days and it has been a hot topic even back in the days.
i think one could even find the threads with some digging.

Admittedly at the time my criticism was way more focused on another WORSE DOS feature, which was its abysmal randomized loot system.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN