People reffering to this EA having had big sweaping changes...are you kidding me? For me 95% of the base game we got 2 years ago remains unchanged. Saddly. We just got TWEAKS and bug fixes basically.
We got this and that class, this area etc...UHHH, thats the base game. Which we STILL do not have. Like BASIC STUFF like all the classes?? After 2 years? really now? BASIC UI is still uuuh, SHIT.
How can we test/play this game that does not EVEN HAVE ITS CORE FUNCTIONS finished?!
Could NOT CARE LESS of additional areas and story content. GIVE US 5 HOURS of the FINISHED GAME *close to. Hell 2 hours is FINE! All the classes, revised systems and UI.

At this point Larian is probably scrambling to finish all these annoying cinematics before going back to the core gameplay. I blame everything on that. Overload of cinematics dialogues WE DO NOT NEED.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 28/05/22 10:02 AM.