Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
How can we test/play this game that does not EVEN HAVE ITS CORE FUNCTIONS finished?!
Simple - by giving us stuff that Larian wants us interacting with. We are not there to provide critique encompassing the entirety of the game.

Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
GIVE US 5 HOURS of the FINISHED GAME *close to. Hell 2 hours is FINE! All the classes, revised systems and UI.
For that to happen they need to finish the game though, and by that time any feedback would be moot. The unfortunate reality is that none of us knows how the game development works, so our critique will always come from comparison to a finished title. Some of what we say might be of use to Larian, and a lot of it might be "duh, the game isn't finished dummy". How we interact with what we are given is probably more informative, then our ramblings.

Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
At this point Larian is probably scrambling to finish all these annoying cinematics before going back to the core gameplay.
Those are seperate departments.