I see that as the beauty of such situation ...
If the game starts out by restricting resources ... and you can turn it off ... you have two possible settings, default and easy.
Nothing in between is possible, since you cant "turn if off a little" ...
Unless developers also offers option to adjust restrictions, instead of turning them off ... but if they do, you would be in exactly same darkness since you havent played the game yet, and you dont know how much you can make the game easier without ruining it for yourself by making it trivial.

If the game starts out with no restrictions ... then you indeed cant "turn them on", that is true, since there is most likely nothing to turn on

... but nothing holds you to restrict yourself the way you feel comfortable ...
It doesnt matter what key you want to use ... "every xy'th combat" ... "only when i have xy spellslots used, or xy% hp missing" ... "after xy hours/minues in game" ... "something entirely different" ... all is perfectly possible, your imagination is your only limit.
And once you feel like you are playing "against yourself", wich is a slight risk indeed for people who will not feel satisfied with "we just go and see how will we feel about it" but demand pre-determined conditions ... you can easily make the game unbearably hard for yourself, but at least you didnt make it unbearably hard for anyone else

But once that happen ... you simply adjust your own rule, no matter wich one you pick, no matter how hard you decided ...
Baseline is no restriction at all, that is default, if that dont suits you, then you adjust ... do you want to be more strict to yourself? Feel free to do so ... do you feel like you are too strict to yourself? Feel free to loose your own grip around your own neck.

(Do you feel like the base game is too strict? Sory, that is different topic. :P

I for one would like to rest right there on that beach ...
Even tho many people around here (some even allready expressed their dislike for such action) are against it since "our character still have full HP and all spellslots" (even tho im not sure how) ... good work on roleplay and immersion people.

I say:
My character just wake up kidnapped, has ben inpregnated (inplanted? not sure wich is better) with alien worm thing, went trhrough hell(s!), and (concidering most of my gameplay so far) most likely just killed Hell General ...
If you dont deserve at the very least few minutes to breath after such adventure, im not sure when you do.

Now in scenario A:
Resting is predetermined ... i cant, bcs developers decided that this is not good time, or place, or situation, or star constelation ... i dunno, some shit, it dont really matter why ... result is still the same: I want to rest > i cant > im frustrated.
In scenario B:
Im the one who decide when and what ... i can.
Meaning me > happy.
Now the other way around ...
Played dont want to rest on the beach ... bcs "immersion and roleplay is important for them" ... and they can masquerae it as their character is worried about the tadpole, so they push to their limits ...
(And also the game just started and their resources are full.

:P )
Scenario A:
Resting is predetermined ... but imagine that the developer was actualy as me (since if he would not, you would just get impossible rest in situation when you dont want to rest ... wich is fine, but useless as example).
Now you can rest ... right here, right now ... but you dont want to ... what would you do, since the game is clearly telling you that you are supposed to?
Scenario B:
You dont want to > you dont.
Why you not happy?
Thats what i do in EA ...
When my companions starts complaining about being exhausted, but i dont feel like i want to rest yet (no matter the reason) ... i dont ...
When my companions dont complain about exhaustion yet, but i feel unprepared for futher adventuring ... i do ...
And i honestly dont care, and really dont want, the game to tell me when (and as the matter of fact not even where) "im suppose" to rest, bcs that will be anoying every single time it dont corespond with my own desire to rest.